VELscope Vx
使用VELscope Vx最大的优势就是可以发现一些不进行干预就会发展成为口腔癌的区域。
Vx – For Early Discovery of Oral Abnormalities
Cancer and Oral Disease
The VELscope Vx helps us identify
oral disease early. While it’s still easy to treat.
One of the VEL scope’s most important tasks is to help locate areas that might, if not treated progress to oral cancer.
The VELscope Vx offers hope for
the early discovery of oral disease, including precancer and cancer.
Tobacco and chewing tobacco,
along with alcohol, are the leading causes of oral cancer.
Over the last four decades, the Human Papilloma Virus(HPV), known for its role in cervical cancer, has been showing up in increasing numbers of oral cancer cases. Why
use the VELscope Vx?
从此取模更精准、更舒适、更高效 iTero扫描仪介绍
代替传统取模,快速直观,动态预览矫正效果 iTero扫描仪是最新研发的数字化口内扫描仪,只需3分钟即可获得患者牙齿的数据模型,轻松无痛苦,并 可马上获得初步的矫正预览效果,可视化的沟通方便医生与患者进一步交流、设计个性化的矫正方案,同时也可大量缩短等待矫正方案的时间。 跟踪每颗牙齿,实时掌控矫治进度 有了iTero扫描仪,每次复诊,医生就能方便地评估和掌握牙齿 隐适美治疗的进度,以便随时调整矫治器佩戴进度;跟踪每颗牙齿并评估解决方案以实现预期的治疗,让你的矫正快人一步。 iTero数字化修复解决方案 iTero扫描仪不仅可应用在隐适美治疗中,在冠桥修复中, 我们更可以使用数字化扫描代替传统印模,基于iTero的云上传功能,在扫描的即刻数据即传输到北美顶级 的加工厂,比起传统的取印模,灌模型再由人工运送,完全可以做到无损数据传输,0误差。 iTero口内扫描仪vs传统印模
We Are a Digital Impression Practice Proud Owners of an iTero® Element™ Intraoral Scanner The iTero Element Scanner is a state-of-the-art digital impression system that eliminates the need for messy putty in your mouth. With our iTero Element Scanner, we can digitally capture a detailed 3D model of your teeth and gums. Not only is this process far more comfortable than the old putty based impressions, but it's faster and can offer a superior clinical endpoint. • No goop or gag to worry about • Fast, accurate impression • Ideal for crowns, bridges, implants,and Invisalign® clear aligners and retainers • See a simulation of your potential Invisalign treatment outcome During the impression process, you can breathe or swallow as you normally would. You can even pause during the process if you need to sneeze or just want to ask a question. The scanner gives us a 3D model of your mouth that can be used for your dental services including the Invisalign Outcome Simulator to show you what your new smile might look like. We’ll Make a Great First Impression |
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